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Friday, December 25, 2009


“The world is GOD’S workshop for making man”- W.H.BEECHER, a great philosopher. This workshop has its own law & order from the beginning of the creation by the Supreme Being. JURO DIVINO (by divine law) is the way through which this workshop is being directed in a natural divine manner whether we so-called egoistic, self-centered, self-indulgent people driven by incomplete knowledge, wealth and power. JURO HUMANO is, through which they want to expand their Mastery throughout the world. They don’t bother that by human law i.e. JURO HUMANO whether the JURO DIVINO is being hampered. They don’t believe the existence of Supreme Being as well as HIS living embodiment except their existence. Everybody is being influenced by them throughout the world in every aspect. As a result whole world today is the land of disbelief. But decades after decades the living embodiment of the Supreme Being in different appearances has been alerting us that “to lose faith in human beings is a big sin” but what the present scenario of the world is reflecting before us? The betraying and ungrateful attitude of the people is being displayed in each and every nook and corner of the society. Therefore that critical and most important question of life arises- WHOM TO BELIEVE? WHETHER THE SAYING OF SUPREME BEING IN THE FORM OF ALERTING US TIME AND AGAIN IS WRONG? ISN’T IT CONFLICTING OR CONTRADICTORY? WHAT IS THE INNER MEANING OF THE SAYING OF SUPREME BEING?

In my opinion what I understand, what I see, that when HE himself comes down on earth amidst us in the form of man, the greatest creation of all HIS creations to save us, to save the human race from being extinct, that incident itself indicates his alert which signifies that HE is the one & only on whom to lose faith is a big sin. Whether you believe anybody or not, believe HIM. BELIEVE ONLY HIM AND NO ONE ELSE. IF YOU BELIEVE HIM, YOU BELIEVE EVERYBODY. So have faith in HIM. HE had came down on earth in the form of BELOVED MAN on 25th December as LORD JESUS, though there may be many contradiction regarding this date but we don’t have to bother about that as it is not our main aim. Our main aim is to believe that HE had came down amidst us in the appearance of LORD JESUS in this HOLY DAY to save us from the trap of all the complexes of life, to help us not to get derailed in life, to save the human race from getting extinct, as a whole to save the earth before getting disintegrated into thousands and thousands of pieces for the fault of we, self- declared omnipotent human beings of every sphere. So let’s come forward on this HOLY DAY to pray HIM whole-heartedly by making ourselves free from all the complexes of life. It’s my earnest request to all my BELOVED BROTHERS AS WELL AS NOBLE CREATIONS OF SUPREME BEING to recollect our Lord together by refraining ourselves from consuming all the available intoxicating commodities such as wine, cigars, meat etc. at least for this very HAPPY AND HOLY DAY and pray to the LORD that LET THY BEAUTIFUL WORLD BE DIRECTED BY ESTABLISHING JURO DIVINO AND NOT JURO HUMANO.


‘LORD’, You are an aider

Of helpless & poor,

No one is for me, I am helpless

Without ‘YOU’.

There is no faith in Man, No breath in Faith

Except ‘YOU’.

I am failing to ascertain the right way.

Helpless I am

Only in absence of ‘YOU’.

There is no air in the Sky, NO life in the air

My Lord except ‘YOU’.

I am lifeless.

Only Without ‘ YOU.

In the DARKNESS of Belief

Lost Youth,

I have lost Youth.

Darkness of Belief

Losing Youth

Today I am utterly poor.

‘LORD’ Where are you?

In return of simplicity

Ungrateful and perfidy

Lord! Where are you?

Have earned Alas I !

Where are you?

So stupid today am I!

LORD, an aider of helpless & poor.

No way for me,

I fail to ascertain the right path.

Only Without ‘YOU’.

By showing the LIGHT of success

Please help me to cross the DARKNESS.

There is no other SUCCESS like having BELIEF.

LORD, I know YOU are my AIDER & RELIEF

Always belonging within ME.

A delightful HELPER of helpless

LORD, you are.

In darkness,

Nobody is with me

Except ‘YOU’ my beloved ‘LORD’

Where you are?

HAVE A NICE DAY……………………AMEN………………………………..

Tuesday, December 22, 2009



We the haves & have- nots, educated & uneducated, literates & illiterates etc. all dweller of the world are belonging in the utmost point. We are all noble creation of Supreme Being in this universe. But it is a matter of grief that in spite of being noble creation among all creations of Supreme Being why today we all are being hunting of NE PLUS ULTRA (The utmost point)? What is that utmost point? Let the point be discussed calmly. There is a saying of Young,”Faith is not reason’s labour but repose”. But what we see in our surroundings, in our daily life from morning to night? It is far beyond of man’s life that man can hardly believe in these hard days that there is a word like ‘belief’. Rather they believe Faith is nothing but a silly thinking. We are going through the utmost point i.e. the land of disbelief. ‘BELIEF’? WHOM DO WE BELIEVE NOW? Everybody is always busy to adopt the tactics to cheat each other at every point of time in one way or the other as a result of which the demand graph of human beings is rising day by day and at the same time to have a high standard of living these days people are adopting every other means possible and as a result of which everybody is cheating and getting cheated by each other. In this petty competition of cheating each other who is not involved? The husband is cheating his wife and vice-versa, parents are getting cheated by their children, buyers are getting cheated by the sellers whereas at the same time the sellers are getting cheated by the multinational companies, students getting cheated by the teachers and the educational institution, common mass is getting cheated by the mass leaders, patients getting cheated by doctors and so on and so forth. Now a question arises, Whom to believe? There is a famous adage, “To find the cheat the entire village got vacant”. In this way the people knowingly or unknowingly by cheating and being cheated are getting staggered as the Feelings of the people are getting dead as a result of which the soul of the people are getting outraged due to continuous molestation. This is a true and hard fact where there is no place of emotions. So we can separate ourselves a little bit from the complex driven day to day lifestyle of ours by meeting with each other through different programmes where we can get ourselves as well as others aware of the utmost point.

HAVE A GOOD DAY…………………………

Sunday, December 20, 2009



‘BLOG’-This is a unique and unprecedented medium that I have chosen to share my thinking and feelings to all my beloved unseen distant friends after having a lot of sittings in different platform through which I have tried my best to send my message about present complicated world i.e. human race as well its civilization. So before I start sharing my thoughts with you all I want to wish you all Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year in advance.

To start with there is a famous adage “Man is the architect of his own fate”. And this very Fate sometimes becomes ill-fated when Man’s architectural existence becomes outraged as it gets driven by his so-called self-ego, ego of incomplete knowledge, wealth and power. As a result the entire human civilization/race becomes molested. Perchance for this reason one day our human race will get extinct. From many years all the great thinkers of the world have made us aware of varied dangers in different ways. But this insane world along with its demented class people has not paid any heed to their alert call. This god-gifted place of abode of ours is going to be demolished because now a days people of all spheres think of themselves as omnipotent. Our beautiful world is not able to tolerate the pungent breath of infuriated man for which the world has alerted us before as well as alerting us in present times before it explodes. Some of the incidents of the recent days are indicators of that alert like occurrence of Tsunami, day to day increase of Global Warming as a result of which one day Maldives will be swallowed by the ocean, Aila storm and etc. happening throughout the world every day, every minute and every second. Most recent is the outburst of a volcano situated underneath the Pacific Ocean at San Francisco that has happened never before in the world for which even scientists of the world are extremely astounded. All the leaders of the world are taking steps against severe global warming to develop a solution to this grave problem but it is a matter of concern that while developing a solution that solution must be a solid and full proved one so that it becomes an effective one for the WORLD because it has been found in the previous years and in the recent times as well that all the solutions provided by the world leaders have many errors in it just like a one eyed deer’s act. We have to recollect the heart-breaking situation of Lakindhar’s iron bride-chamber of the tale of ‘BEHULA-LAKHINDHAR’. So to find the hair like fine hole through which a venomous snake that bit Lakindhar in his bride-night in spite of being in iron bride-chamber, give a sharp bite to our human race in the form of unknown danger and make it an extinct one, we all have to come forward and for this several seminars, symposia, discussions, exhibitions etc. on different selected subjects have to be organized where we all will be getting together and try to find an effective solution to this grave problem. We ought not to forget that we, all are the son of Supreme Father, so, we irrespective of man & woman in this world all are NOBLE, who were called ‘ARYANS’ in the past. To organize these seminars through ‘NOBLE OR ARYANS CONGREGATION’ we have to organize ourselves, by taking a bit of time from our busy lives, with physical, mental, and spiritual enthusiasm and at the same time by having some financial assistance.

We, who are going to get closer through this message, will come together at the time of organization of the above-mentioned programmes which will be notified in time.

HAVE A GOOD DAY………………………